In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Tay Zonday Perfoms Chocolate Rain Live On Jimmy Kimmel

Tay Zonday Perfoms Chocolate Rain Live On Jimmy Kimmel...see it happens...ahh the Internet

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Friday, August 03, 2007

First off

So first things, there is this video making the internet meme rounds that I think you all should checkout: Chocolate Rain now at first you'll probably want to write this off as just some crappy song and you just want to laugh at the dude.

And really in some way's you'd be right, but in others you have to think that it's sort of cool that this guy went out there, wrote a song, video taped himself performing it, uploaded it, and then released it under the create commons license. You know, good for him, hopefully he doesn't let the negative comments get him down.

I'm not saying that the song is good, but that's sort of the beautiful thing about the Internet, you do stuff, and you want other people to be able to see it, so you put it up, and they can see it. How good or bad it is doesn't really matter.

So if you want you can write this song off like almost did, but in a few days you'll find yourself walking around the house singing about some chocolate rain.

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Secrets of happiness

  • A light rain
  • Saturday afternoon
  • Good coffee
  • Low-lying, steel-gray, muddled clouds
  • The Cure
  • Beer from Quebec
  • New buds on the trees
  • Fresh green grass
  • Green copper roofs against the sky
  • Your old NOFX hoodie
  • A long walk
  • Circular rooms on the tops of old buildings

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Posting from out West

Well hello everyone I'm sending you this from my Uncle's pad way out in Deep Cove British Comumbia. I'm enjoying my morning coffee and trying to figure out the transit system while Danielle takes a shower.

We're having some issues feeding my uncle's bird Flapper and trying to get him back into the cage. Hopefully he'll let me by the glooves so that I can get him back into the cage without bleeding.

The weather out here isn't too bad, 7 degrees with some showers to come, but judging from the forcast a few showers isn't anything new around here.

Well that's all for now, time to tackle that bird.

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