In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Welcome to North Korea

So the other night I watched this fascinating documentary: Welcome to North Korea.

I would recommend it to anyone, it's a very interesting look at a country whose citizens are basically cut off from the outside world, and who are fed propaganda and myths by the government on a daily basis.

You can read more about the movie here as well: Off the Kuff.

Really in the video North Korea reminded me of some sort of psychological experiment. Like, what would happen if we cut people off from the rest of the world and bombarded them will lies for fifty years.

It's like the thought experiment: "If you had absolute power what would you do?" for some people it seems the answer is build statues of yourself and force an entire country of people to love you.

I'm on the hunt for more North Korean docs, so if anyone comes across any please let me know.

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