In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Monday, November 24, 2008

T minus 10 Days and Counting

Well here we are, 10 days to go until Danielle's expected due date. Things were happening at quite a pace around here and they have only recently slowed down...well just a little bit.

It was a race to get everything done, get the car seat purchased, a crib, blankets, clothes, diapers, and every other do-dad and thingy that babies need in this day and age. Books as well, books needed to be purchased so that someone like me could figure out what labour is actually like.

But things are progressing well and I think that we'll be ready. It's exciting really, I'm not really scared I'm just ready and waiting for it to happen.


Monday, January 08, 2007

and Action

or something of that we're back from our long holidays...well we've been back since late Thursday night, but now we're back in the sense that we are checking our emails and getting back online.

Sadly we forgot out camera so there are no photos of the lovely 29cm of snow that was dumped on Winnipeg, this whole green Christmas thing that is going on in Toronto is a bit weird.

The vacation home was good and it was very nice to see family and friends, and especially nice to get to spend some time with Isabelle since we hadn't seen her for six months, and at her age, six months means a heck of a lot.

So it was good to be there, and it's also really good to be back and slip into our regular lives...sleeping in your own bed is always nice.

Well, now I gotta get back to work.

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