In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Selsine in Halifax

Here is one of those fantastic videos from Halifax that I talked about posting a while ago. The coast is cold...

As you can tell it's very windy in the video so much of my hilarious monologue has be lost...a sad day

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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Whew...sorry for taking so long with this, as though you were waiting with baited breath, but here is my short and quick post about our trip to Halifax. If you just want to get to the good stuff and checkout the photos you can look at my Halifax Gallery.

So in a nutshell how was Halifax? Well it was loads of fun. If you can say one word to lump all Haligonians together it's nice...well nice and talkative. Everyone that we met was very nice and very willing to spend some time talking to us about whatever.

Well that and I could have sworn that they were all staring at my toque...

So what to do in Halifax you ask? Well I would suggest spending a day walking around the downtown and checking out the sights and the Citadel (pictured above with me). Then I would make sure that you had the birth information of any relatives that came to Canada between 1925 and 1935 and I would head over the Pier 21 the Immigration museum.

The best part about the museum isn't actually the museum it's the fact that you can go and look up the records of people that came to Canada, which is why I suggested that you get the birth information of your relatives, I was able to find when both of my grandfathers came Canada and the ships that they came in on.

Very neat stuff, but so far most of the data that they have available for searching falls between 1925 and 1935, so unless you have any family members that came over during that time, or you have a war bride in the family you may be out of luck.

After the museum head over to the Garrison Brewery which is close by and sample their beer. When you are there be sure to sample their Jalapeno beer which is actually spicy you are eating nachos and drinking a beer at the same time...very interesting...

After that maybe head back downtown and visit the Economy Shoe Shop which is the very cool bar in Halifax where Danielle and I spent our St. Patrick's Day.

And if you are not their during the winter like we were I would suggest one of the may boat tours that are available down at the docks. I would have loved to have gotten out onto the ocean but sadly everything was closed for the season.

Well that's about it for this post, first trip to the east cost == success, I would recommend a trip out to Halifax to anyone as long as you realize that it's not that big of a city.

So that's the Halifax post for ya, sorry it took so long to get up here, but as I said before we have been crazy busy.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sorry no Updates yet

Hey everyone, well we are back in Toronto and everything in Halifax went great. From St. Patrick's day to Pier 21, sadly however this will not be the post that regales you stories and photos from our journey. This is simply a post to say sorry for not updating since we got back.

We've been busy with Fiachra staying at our place all the way from Dallas, and Jackson coming out to Toronto for some work. Soon photos will be uploaded and updates will be written...just not today my friends!

Carry on.

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