In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

T-Plus a Few Weeks


So, the last post was one day before Danielle went into labour and two days before Danielle gave birth to our son Benjamin, whom you can see above. So I'm officially a dad, a father, which is pretty crazy. It's a lot of fun though, like nothing I've ever done before and it changes you just like that.

I mean the 9 months leading up to the birth do a pretty good job at altering your life, but it's nothing like that first day when you bring the little guy home. Or those weeks after when you walk around with sore arms, sore legs, and bags under your eyes. Or the first time he smiles, or coos, or turns his head to look at you when you talk. Nothing I've ever done before has prepared me for that, and I'm the better for it.
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Monday, November 24, 2008

T minus 10 Days and Counting

Well here we are, 10 days to go until Danielle's expected due date. Things were happening at quite a pace around here and they have only recently slowed down...well just a little bit.

It was a race to get everything done, get the car seat purchased, a crib, blankets, clothes, diapers, and every other do-dad and thingy that babies need in this day and age. Books as well, books needed to be purchased so that someone like me could figure out what labour is actually like.

But things are progressing well and I think that we'll be ready. It's exciting really, I'm not really scared I'm just ready and waiting for it to happen.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Life is Busy Busy and I am lazy lazy lazy with this blog...gotta update more!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back in Toronto

Hey looks like I'm back in big old Toronto after a nice long vacation in old Winnipeg. Actually had a great time in Winnipeg this summer, but to anyone that has spent a lot of time in Winnipeg that really can't be much of a surprise.

It was nice to get out to the cabin and hang with the family and friends. I've got some photos of some events stored up on my camera which I will post soon.

But since some people were asking about it here are some photos of the old Corolla in the big old accident:

More photos and updates soon.

Friday, July 25, 2008

See Camping

See I've been camping boys and girls...
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Tired and Wired

Hey all, long time no posting to this blog. That's because I've been lazy...lazy and busy...busy and tired...tired and almost turning 30...and having a baby...well getting ready to have a baby that will happen soon...and I went camping.

I know it doesn't seem like a lot of stuff but really it feels like a lot. This weekend Nathan is coming into town so that should be a lot of fun. I'm also turning 30 which makes me an official old man. Or wait scratch that, a official not a young man.

So how's about that?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Just another Sunday

So it's Sunday and I'm sitting here at the computer pounding out my next "Welcome To Python" article for the "Python Magazine" The article is almost done so I'm pretty happy with that, a bit longer then I originally wanted but that's generally how my stuff much talking.

Just had our bookclub on Saturday for "Kakfa on the Shore" which is a book that I really enjoyed and would recommend to anyone out there.

Just waiting for Jason to get here, as we are heading out to Utopia for some lunch. I'm looking forward to a veggie chicken burrito....tasty tasty. Dodger is sitting on my lap and purring, but that's only because he knows that his lunch is going to be served soon and he doesn't want to run the risk of missing out somehow. Nice cat.

Other then that life is just plugging along really...well it is a bit different now that Danielle and I are expecting our first child...that does have a habit of creeping into my mind now and again. Me a father...who knew? All I know is that if kids are anything like cats Danielle and I are going to be great parents.

So if you didn't already know that we were having kids and you read this blog (I'm not sure who you are then) it's all true. We're pregnant and we're having a little baby. More on this to follow in the coming months.

Now I should get back to work and polish this article off. I want to finish it before we head to Dallas next week. Photos from that trip to follow.

Talk to you all later.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Long Time no Update

It's been a long time since I updated this. Adam tells me a few months...sad I know. And things have been happening since then as well.

So what has happened?

Well I went to Montreal with Danielle and my Brother. Stayed at Diane's place:

Got a visit from Aaron:

Saw some video game-themed street art near my place:

Had a birthday party for Danielle, Rod and Laura came in:

Went back to Montreal with Danielle and her folks:

Had a visit from Allison, Jason, and Rae:

Had a visit from my brother and drank some fancy beers:

That's what it's been like around here for the last few months, at least when it comes to the photos. Sorry for the lack of updates I'll try to do better.