In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Well Well Well

So the Parents have headed back to the ow-so-wintery Winnipeg, just in time to catch a snow storm. There's on of the drawbacks to working at home: bad weather is just no excuse.

Anyways the week with parents was fun, they got to see Toronto the surrounds. Went out for dinner a few times (Vegan, Italian, El Salvadorian, Polish, and Korean) went to the McMichael gallery on Rememberance day, or have they re-named it to be Vetran's Day? It's been Vetrans day in the States for a while but I seem to be hearing it more and more north of the border. Maybe they are switching the focus from World War II to vetrans of all wars?

Either way we went to the McMichael gallery and it was pretty interesting, for those that don't know it's home to a large Group of Seven collection, with some First Nations thrown in for good measure. Here are some photos of the event:

The Gallery

One of my favorites from the day (forget who painted this, not Harris, but his buddy)

Neat rock, on loan from the artist

Tom Thompson's Cabin

My Folks walking the grounds


Danielle collecting pine cones


Sorry this post is so lame, I'm feeling tired today.


Blogger Mista Z said...

that was lame.
lame. lame. lame.
I'm sorry I read it now.

November 15, 2005 4:46 PM

Blogger Laura said...


remembrance day as always been about all the wars, not just WWII. No plans to rename it, as far as I know, although this is the year of the Veteran.

November 15, 2005 6:24 PM


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