In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Just another manic Monday

So I spent the weekend in Kingston Ontario with Rod and Laura, Danielle was unable to make the trip becuase she was hard at work. So I headed out on Friday at about 5:30, and becuase of the Friday traffice and the snow/sleet that was falling on the ground it took me four hours to get there. For the most part the roads were ok, but there were a few patches of black ice, which explains the four or five fresh accidents that I passed on the way.

The weekend was spent enjoyably eating, drinkning, playing Mario Party 6.0, and seeing Harry Potter. It was great to get away for the weekend, and I would really like to thank my gracious hosts for putting me up for the weekend.

Generally this is where I would insert a funny photo, but I forgot my camera so no photos.

So Harry Potter eh? Well I saw it and it's pretty darn good, just as good as all of the others I'd say, a bit more involved and complicated if you've never read the books (I haven't) but still enjoyable. So if you liked the three previous Harry Potter movies you are going to like this one.

Interestingly enough my favorite parts in this movie were the character interactions and not the magical stuff. It's neat becuase the kids are starting to grow up more, so now there is added sexual tension.

Well, back to work.


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