In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Shopping on Saturday with Mark

A childrens tale.

So on Saturday I had to go grocery shopping, I had to go grocery shopping becuase I was cooking thanksgiving dinner on Monday night.

So I walked out back to my , backed out into the and then drove away.

I first I drove by where we sometimes drink and where we sometimes eat.

Then I drove down and passed , after that it was a short drive up bathurst, and then down St. Claire before I reached my destination .

After that I shopped for about an hour and a half, it was really busy.

Then I drove home down , on the way I passed the and the . Then I turned onto and drove west until I reached , the street that I live on.


Blogger Mista Z said...

too bad the pictures are so small and stopping to enlarge them creates blocks in your story and I lose my place, get frustrated, have to re-read parts, and then forget what the picture was anyways. The streets all look the same... dirty.


October 13, 2005 12:19 AM

Blogger selsine said...

Point taken, I have since resized the images does it make the tale easier to read?

October 13, 2005 12:50 AM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

You didn't illustrate all the tasty things you bought. I am assuming that you were out buying veal and foi gras and not tofu or wheatgrass as you would perhaps have us believe. You therefore had to keep it a secret so that you wouldn't be ousted by the veggie mafia.

fun post. leading to fun speculation. which

October 13, 2005 8:47 AM

Blogger Laura said...

i too would have liked to see all the tasy food. maybe some action shots in the grocery store?

what was on the menu for your thanksgiving dinner?

October 14, 2005 10:13 AM


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