In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Monday, September 12, 2005


So it was the weekend recently, not much happened around here, but much could have! On Friday night I went down to the Ye Olde Bloor cinema and 11:20pm to go watch their showing of The Wizard of Oz/Dark side of the Moon. Thinking that this would basically be me and a few holdouts from the 70's watching this in the dark I decided to show up 10 minutes before the movie started.

When I go the the theatre I was greeted by a line up of people waiting to get into the theatre (completed with some dude playing a ukulele and a guy wearing a sparkly wig with Martian ears) and a line up of people waiting to purchase tickets. The crowd seemed pretty rowdy, so I decided not to see the movie that night, thinking it was more of a group outing then a single one.

So it was back home for more video games.

Saturday I went jogging during the early evening with my iPod shuffle. Now jogging with and iPod shuffle is friggen great, you get to listen to music and the thing never skips. That evening Danielle and I went out for dinner at Fressen. Danielle has been wanting to go back for a while so we decided to go out on a date. Dinner and wine were both great. After that it was back to the apt. to watch An American in Paris, which I had rented earlier in the week.

Now I may be a manly man but for some reason I enjoy Gene Kelly musicals, I can't lie, I blame my mother and my sister for my affliction, but that doesn't change the fact, I enjoy them. Danielle actually hadn't seen a Gene Kelly up until that point so the movie was really rented for her.

Next I'll have to rent Singin'in the Rain.

Then Sunday it was a game of Tennis in the later afternoon, followed by some pizza on College St. and home to laze around and read. Which in my case meant get in the bath and read for a bit, and in Danielle's case meant sneaking in and taking pictures of me in said bath. Sigh, sometimes she can be so juvenile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the photographer, I would like to point out that my intentions were not entirely juvenile. Before entering the bathroom, Mark trundled off into said bathroom with an armful of candles and bathsalts, announcing that he was going to have a "romantic bath." I just wanted to know how romantic Mark can be. Notice the candles all around the room, and the vodka and OJ perched on the side of the tub. The pink tinge in the water is from bathsalts from Poland.... Ok, mostly I was being juvenile.

September 12, 2005 10:44 AM

Blogger Laura said...

is there anyway to get an uncensored version of that photo...(rod made me ask).

nice idea to use those electric candle thingies, a good way to avoid those unfortunate wax burns...

September 12, 2005 11:23 AM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

I have always been curious about the Bloor Cinema -- it seems Reg has quite a following, even after all these years.

Running with the iPod is pretty cool. After abusing my body for three weeks with various intoxicants I went running on Sunday. Since I noticed it was there, I "borrowed" Laura's iPod and enjoyed it a great deal (Yeah, Laura, you can say 'I told you so'). Now, I love my tape player, but it is relatively heavy, even in comparison to the full size iPod, let alone an itty-bitty one. I have been giving serious consideration as of late to giving in to Apple -- not because it is trendy, however, just because it makes sense. Maybe when the Nano comes out the mini will go on sale (I want a screen other wise a shuffle would be just fine).

And, for the record, I did not make Laura ask -- I am sure she wants it for her own pleasure. While the bathing trunks you had on didn't leave much to the imagination a fullfrontal would complete the shrine to you that she keeps in the closet and which I keep asking her to take down, 'cause frankly I find it a bit creepy.

September 12, 2005 12:42 PM

Blogger Adam said...

I see a new arm of the Selsine empire:

- Plugins
- Blogs
- Useless links
- And now homemade Porn.

Mark, your like Google, everytime they do something cool they follow up with something even cooler.. big question now is: What's next?


September 12, 2005 3:21 PM

Blogger Mista Z said...

OK, so I first saw the picture and thought, How strange... then I noticed the shit-eatin' grin on Mark's face... was he ready for the picture? Are there more than one picture? I also like the water on the floor? Vodka and OJ leaves me a little parched too. How long were you in there?? HAHA..

Anyhoo... iPods and running ARE the best thing ever... I also strap on the heartrate monitor. Good times.

September 12, 2005 5:23 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Laura and Rod - No need to fight over me, there is more then enough to go around.

Adam - It's not porn it's erotica

TBS - The was more then one picture. I took the water in incase I got too hot.

anonymous - I don't trundle.

September 13, 2005 9:12 AM

Blogger selsine said...

Post Test...Silly blogger

September 14, 2005 12:58 PM


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