In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Refresh Refresh

So, I fixed up my website ( after I looked at it in Internet Explorer, and realized that it didn't look so hot.

"Do people still use IE?"
"Why yes they do Mark, in fact most people still browse with it, something like 90%."
"Really? Do they dual boot into Linux?"
"No they don't Mark, they don't care about that sort of stuff at all."
"Ahh Mac users..."
"No, Windows."
"What about the spyware and Kazaa and things like that?"
"Well they install those because they want to steal music."
"It's not really stealing you know, it's copy write infringement."
"Bah, semantics! You don't even dual boot anymore do you?"
"Well I would if I could, it's Danielle she's always on my computer."
"Really Mark, it's not your computer anymore, think about it you haven't touched a command line in months."
"Not true, not true, just the other day I was playing around with Ruby on Rails and you have to use the command line for that."
"Ow, you self-righteous nerd, try getting some fresh air, maybe a tan."

Ahem! It was also my birthing day on the 27th, I went out for dinner with Danielle, or what I thought was Danielle, to this Buddhist Vegetarian place. Seems that Danielle has orchestrated a little surprise for me, and invited more people to the dinner. Sneaky girl that she is, knowing that I'm a birthday party-pooper she hid the details from me, effectively disabling my poopy responses.

Either way it was nice to see my friends and eat simulated meat with them, even though it made them all nervous. After that we went back to out place, and had some cake and champagne since it was my champagne birthday. I'd like to thank everyone who came out for, err, coming out (of the closet) and for the lovely gifts.


Anonymous Claire said...

Okay, I'm sending you a message to relay to Danielle cause I can't find her email address cause I'm at school and not work...

I'm house-sitting at Matt and Natasha's tonight and I was wondering if Danielle wanted to hang out with me? Also, could you tell her that I would not complain if she brought some of that DELICIOUS!! cake.

July 29, 2005 12:15 PM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

Correction - in Canada sharing files using Kazaa etc. is not illegal as it is not, in fact, copyright infringement. For the moment is still falls under the category of fair use. At least for music. I believe things are much more strict when it comes to programs and some other categories of intellectual property. While you can argue the moral ups and downs of file sharing it ain't illegal. That is until Bill C-60 passes then things will be different.

July 29, 2005 12:17 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Ow you Archivists, everything has to be "correct" and "make sense". Sheesh Rod, in the real work we don't have to live up to those sorts of standards...that's why blogging is the new media, who cares if it's "correct!"


July 29, 2005 12:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Claire,
I have to go to the mall to buy a bathing suit earlier in the evening but would love to hang out abit later, say around 9:00pm-ish. I have a 1/2 cake left so will bring you a big huge piece. I'll call you at Natasha's when I get home.

July 29, 2005 12:42 PM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

I suppose that is one of the wonderful things about blogging - as with all self-publishing - you don't have to be factual or even sane to get your writing out there. Any crackpot with a computer, an internet connection, and a desire to spout off some crazy shit can be read my millions. Progress? Dunno...

PS - Hey Claire, why didn't Mark get an invite? Is his cake-making skills sub-par?

PPS - in case you don't go back to see my response what exactly were you booing? The bill or my take on it?

July 29, 2005 1:27 PM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

That is not to say that I think you are a crazy-shit spouting crackpot; or if you are then so am I....

Just wanted to be sure that my last comment wasn't taken as a stab at you - just the internet in general.

And it should have been "*Are* his skills blah blah". Me fail english? That's unpossible. Can't edit on this one....

July 29, 2005 1:33 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Hey Rods, I just added the boo's after I read your comment and realized that I was "un-factual" on my blog post. So I thought I would go and boo the post that made me wrong. So I wasn't booing the bill, or your take on it (which I agree with), just the post itself prooving me wrong.

July 29, 2005 1:51 PM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

You know, I was going to let it slide because other than that technicallity you and I and everyone else knows it is morally theft. I just couldn't let a chance to prove my superiority pass.

July 29, 2005 2:16 PM

Blogger Mista Z said...

IN fact I don't like to take Blogging for granted I thoroughly research everything I mention on MY Blog and then make the according changes to fit in with what FOX news tells me is the truth. IF this isn't what soap-boxing online is all about I don't want to know . . . unless Jon Stewart has an opinion, then I will consider that as well.

August 03, 2005 12:30 AM


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