In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My Jogging Nipples

Well you are all very lucky, or perhaps very unlucky I was going to accompany this post of mine with a close up shot of one of my nipples (the right one) but I decided against it. Why you ask? Well it's a tad creepy I think, although perfect for Halloween I guess.

So the story behind my nipples is that this weekend I went for a nice 70 minute jog, in what eventually became the pouring rain. Now it was pretty cold out (around 3 or 4) so like most people since I was a bit cold my nipples were a bit hard. Now add in my soaking wet "wicking" t-shirt to the mix of my hard nipples and you get a sort of a cheese grater effect. Where every up motion of my body was a down motion of my "wicking" t-shirt, and vice versa. Making every forward motion of my body result in one tiny fraction of skin on my nipples being shorn away.

And we're not talking about the areola, we're talking about the nipple, the nipplest of the nipple region.

So by the time I had finished my run I was left with two very sore nipple, nipples that did not like the shower that I took after, nor did they like the t-shirt that I wore for the rest of the day. Apparently this sort of happening is quite common when one jogs, I found this in one of those "You know you're a jogger when" lists:

  • when there are permanent blood stains on your T-shirts where your nipples were rubbed raw
Weird. I'm supposed to where bandages over them, or grease them up with vasoline before I go...

Either way over the last few days the pain in my nipples has subsided and they have started to heal. I think that the small round scabs in the middle are getting smaller but that could just be wishful thinking. Ahh jogging what don't you do for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my sincere condolences to you and your nipples.

fortunately for the ladies, bras usually protect against such friction.

i am sad that you did not include a photo of your nipples - that would have been HOT!

November 01, 2006 12:17 PM

Blogger Tuco said...

I've vaselined for this problem before. Jogging is tough enough without THAT kind of pain happening with each footfall.

November 01, 2006 3:33 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Laura - I'm glad that you would have liked the nipple photo. I will keep that in mind the next time I rub them raw. wink wink.

Chris - Yeah, last night when I went on a 50 minuter I lubed them up and then put small pieces of tape over them, since we were out of bandages. Tres, tres, lame but it worked.

November 02, 2006 10:26 AM


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