In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Back in Toronto

So we are back in Toronto after our fantastic trip to Argentina. I'm still going through the mountain of photos that we took and trying to go through them and make a short but still sweet album that people won't fall asleep to, so you'll get to see those when they are done.

In the mean time I thought I'd show all you science students this:

It's something that I think is pretty cool, you might not but it's neat to me!

Here is me in Montevideo Uraguay:

And here is me in the Andes, the people from Brazil all rented snow boots and snow pants, but when you're from Canada all that sort of stuff is optional:

So that's it for now, when I get a bit more time (probably over the long weekend) I'll try to get the gallery up and post more about the trip.


Anonymous Claire said...

Love the look of the clouds in that one photo! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics...

And I want a report from Danielle as to the state of men in Argentina, as I just watched the Germany/Argentina game and my eyes are quite happy now! ha ha Just kidding. No, actually I'm serious. ;p

June 30, 2006 2:25 PM

Blogger Mista Z said...

ummm, i just checked with my sink and my drain was spinning clockwise... just like the one in your video.

Nice sky there tho!

July 02, 2006 2:13 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Claire - Thanks I should get the rest of the photos up soom. I meant to do more work this weekend, but I'm just so darn tired I don't feel up to it!

You can ask Danielle about the men and there scarves the next time you see them.

Jay - In fact you are correct and I am dead wrong, seems I've fallen for an old urban legend snopes. However I must admit that part of the reason that I was fooled was becuase my toilet flushes in the other direction.

Stupid science and all of it's lies...

July 02, 2006 10:36 PM

Blogger Mista Z said...

Ya, I think I recall the coriolis effect only working in very specific circumstances... other factors can effect the direction of flow as well....

July 03, 2006 2:05 PM


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