In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What is up with this heat Toronto?

I mean really, what sort of temperature is 35 Celsius? It's basically the temperature where everyone sweats no matter what you do and everyone just has to be cool with that. Just walking down the street to rent a movie means that you will be covered in that lovely oniony sheen.

Thank the powers that be that we did not end up having a garbage strike; otherwise these parts would have stunk to high hell.


Blogger Rgscarter said...

Best description of the effects of crazy heat wave: swamp-ass. heh.

Stupid heat/humidity.

Which brings us to two of the perks of being an archivist - a) no tie; b) mucho A/C. Although I suppose programmers working from home can do that in their boxers. Wonder what the reaction would be if I tried that here?

July 12, 2005 12:14 PM

Blogger Mista Z said...

Dude, with the humidity it was 49 degrees the other day... and apparently sposed to be 34 and 32 all week. Uggghh... better than minus 49 though.

July 12, 2005 12:22 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Hey nice (very descriptive) link there Rodney. I tell you what the weather lately has been crazy hot here, and with no rain at all to speak of for like a month. Really weird.

Danielle and I went for a beer last night at around 10 or so and we sat out on the Clinton's patio and it was 31 degree's outside? By 11 it cooled down to 30 and it was 29 by 12. But I mean really I was outside sweating at 10:00 at night.

July 13, 2005 9:37 AM


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