In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Monday, July 11, 2005


So this Saturday it was another hot and sunny day here in this smoggy city, so danielle and I decided to go and then down to catch a which we road until we got to where we transferred. Then we road it all the way down to where we untill we got to which was home to the worlds biggest outdoor art show. We walked around it for a bit till we got to the . At this point we were pretty hungry so we walked down and then stopped to get something to . After that we caught a and road it to . Then we walked down till we got to and then rented a movie for the evening. We went over to Matt and Natasha's to watch their , water our and watch our movie.

Ahh another day in the big city.


Blogger Mista Z said...

Not even I made a graphic novel. Is Blogging boring you?

July 11, 2005 1:10 PM

Blogger Laura said...

ooohhh...good job, mark. almost as good as being there in person. busker fest next weekend in guys busy?

July 11, 2005 1:44 PM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

Cool post. sounds like you had a pretty good big city summer day.

What are you growing in your garden?

July 11, 2005 3:19 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Yar! I just thought that it would be a neat idea to photographically document every aspect of out day. I think that it turned out alright, I actually think that some of the pictures are pretty cool, like the Spadina, Queen West, and Bloor photos (just cause in that one the CN tower is all up in there).

As far as heading to K-town this weekend, Danielle and I are unable to as we will be singing some karaoke for Claire's birthday on Friday.

The garden contains the following ingredients:

1) Tomatoes - Beefsteak and yellow

2) Peppers - Green, red, and yellow.

3) Cucumbers

4) Snow Peas

5) Beats

6) Lettuce

7) Some beans?

July 12, 2005 11:07 AM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

Some beans - question mark??

Mystery Beans! Beans of magical power! Jack's Beans!

Looks like you have the makings of many-a tasty salad (with which you will most certainly not make friends)

Have fun with the Karaoke

July 12, 2005 12:10 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Yeah I sorta forget what type of beans those Bad Daddies are, I think that they are just your standard green beans but I could be wrong.

July 13, 2005 9:33 AM


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