In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Interesting Google Search

While stroking my ego and searching google for selsine recently I noticed seems as though my strippie based cafepress shop has overtaken this blog as the number one google result when searching for selsine, and this site has slipped to a lowly fifth position.

Now why in the world would that occur? Is there not enough selsine content on this site? Should I increase it? And what is up with mister (or miss) seventh place, Why that site doesn't even exist anymore, and if it did it should be mine.

The tenth site finds my massive assault battles with Adam listed, ahh those were some good times.

Other then that it seems to be some people misspelling words and my posts at slashdot, ahh what a magical world we live in...the Internet has drawn us so much closer.

On a related note, beware of JAVA people who want to tell you that pointers are evil. They are not evil in any way, they can be missued and become evil, but overall I find them more useful then evil.

I'll end this with a liittle bit of dodger:


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