In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

So what is up dudes?

So what is up? Well right now there really isn't anything up with me, as you might have guessed by the content (or lack there of) on this blog. Part of it comes from the fact that I have been leaving my digital camera behind a lot of time times now, I'm not sure why but I've always been a binge or purge type of a person when it comes to taking pictures.

Which is why I usually have to force myself to take my camera and take some pictures, once I'm over the initial photo hump I'm usually pretty good (or bad) at snapping away. Lately I just haven't been bringing my camera out.

The less photos I take, the less I post on this blog, the less I post on this blog the less posts I have really. And I guess it's sort of the same with this blog, if I get inot the pattern of posting to this blog then all is well, I'm a posting machine.

But as soon as I get out of the habit of posting then all of it goes to crap, which has been happening around here lately, I just haven't been doing enough crazy stuff that I feel warrants post, or maybe I've been doing tonnes but just haven't felt like putting fingers to keys and getting it up here.

Either way I should definitely try to get more information up here, something about something, which is basically what this was.


Anonymous Claire said...

What about a post on Friday's night party and GMMF concert? :D

March 21, 2006 6:14 PM

Anonymous Laura said...

Is that Wilco? So cute!

Do you have any more pics of your parents' dog?

March 22, 2006 10:47 AM

Blogger selsine said...

Claire - Yeah I know, that's the thing I'm struggling to write about things that I actually do!

Laura - Yes that is Wilco, my bros dog. I don't have anymore pictures of my parents dog but I will reuqest some for ya.

March 22, 2006 3:12 PM


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