In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Noah K. Everyday

Alright, I think this is cool, so I'm going to post it. This dude, Noah K. takes a picture of himself everyday and puts it up on his site.

Worth a look, and that look is here:

And remember to vote on Monday all you crazy Canucks, just don't vote conservative...seriously.


Blogger Rgscarter said...

Hey Mark,
That is a pretty cool site. It sort of reminds me of a cross between On Kawara who painted the date every day with Chuck Close who painted closeup portraits and i am sure I could come up with others....and some good related photo-theory about his project but my brain is feeling a touch mushy today.I wish there was more on his info page to give a little insight into the work.

And Selsine gets political -- watchout@

January 19, 2006 9:23 AM

Anonymous Claire said...

Noah K. could smile a bit, just now and then...

January 19, 2006 9:48 AM

Blogger j dylan rutherford said...

why not conservative? is it better to have your country coffers robbed? or give the bloc more power? or spoil a perfectly good vote on some leftist group with the same capacity as an infant to run this country?

January 19, 2006 1:54 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Rod: Danke for the links...and political? Who's getting political? I thought posting the lyrics to "Meat is Murder" was political...hah!

Claire: Yeah, but I think it's pretty funny the way he looks sorta sad in all those photos. He does a good job of capturing the same expression.

Dylan: Whooo Hooo! No I mean, sure vote Conservative, it's better then not voting. I just happen to disagree with them on an ideological and moral level, as a result I don't want them in power. I don't want the “not withstanding clause” used, I don't need anymore tax cuts, and I don't like Harper's hair.

January 19, 2006 2:16 PM

Blogger Adam said...

I was reading that the riding that I am in (Kildonan, St.Paul) was won by 235 votes last election... that means that my vote could actually help bring down the liberal government..... sweeeeet


January 19, 2006 5:26 PM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

not only does harper have bad hair he has, and I quote someone much more clever than I am, "rape eyes".

I never trusted him because of his eyes, I just never had a term for them until this campaign. I think that sums it up pretty accurately.

January 19, 2006 8:14 PM

Blogger j dylan rutherford said...

whoa whoa whoa. rape eyes? you're going to tell me that is a concern? jack layton has a total pedophile mustache, duceppe looks like a vampire and mr dithers, well he is just a douche. the only other option is to vote for squeegee kids, i mean the green party.

it's not about tax cuts, mark. and a notwithstanding will never be used by harper or any other government. it's about accountability and not empty promises. chretien with martin as finance minister promised to eliminate the gst, ratify nafta, etc, etc, but never did shit. the only other option is the conservatives. if they form a minority, all the better. just shake it up. as a former member of the progressive conservatives (i let my membership expire over 7 years ago), and a member of the liberal party up to the final days of chretien's stealing, i just say we need to oust the liberals, get another minority government- i am not pro conservative, just anti-stealing and pandering (liberal or ndp).

without the charter, canada is a piece of shit- and it's not a mess like the american constitution- there is no debate or interpretation. even if the clause was used, senate could overide and it is still liberal for another 5 years. i don't see that being a concern.

what i do see as a concern is not being able to defend ourselves or others. i see a lack of foriegn aid, and a non-existent presence in the world. we should be the real defenders of the innocent and oppressed, not like how the americans claim to be. can't do that with 1 pound sterling subs, or consistent cuts to our military.

January 20, 2006 9:54 AM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

For those that like the funny: Liberal ads get a "tip of the hat" from Stephen Colbert. You know, just to lighten up the atmosphere in here.

January 20, 2006 12:44 PM

Blogger Rgscarter said...

ps. Dylan - it is rather naive to call the Greens "squeegee kids"

The Greens have members in 15 European Countries, and have also been elected in New Zealand, Australia, the US, Mexico, Canada (in BC), Brazil, Japan, and Mongolia, are the fourth largest group in the European Parliament, and have made significant impacts on policy in the European Union.

As well as running environmental activists and farmers, Green candidates are professionals and business people. Not exactly the people who want to clean your car's windshield at traffic lights.

January 20, 2006 1:22 PM

Blogger j dylan rutherford said...

lol- i actually respect the green party, they're just not a political party that can do anything right a the not for profit charitable organization i work, one of our major mandates is protection of the enviroment and education that leads todays young people to be stewards of this planet that we rape on a daily basis.
on a personal level, i have set goals of being completely off the grid in the next 5 years (although this is tough on a non-profit salary), am down to less than one bag of garbage every six weeks (with the exception of parties), do not use water in my yard (my annual water bill is less than $80, and i will get that lower) and have converted my house to passive solar reducing my heating by 40%.
but a vote is a valuable thing and people not parties should get the benefit of the officials they put in office. unfortunately, the green party doesn't offer that right now.

January 21, 2006 7:05 PM


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