In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Ow St. Patrick

Ow so it's St. Patrick's Day today or at least it was. Clinton's was a nice warm place to go for a pint or two of Guinness. So that was fun. Danielle and I went there with Marge and Fiarca from above.

It was pretty good, Danielle got to sip on some green Creemore spings ale, which I must say looks pretty strange. This was my first introduction to green beer and breen foam is pretty weird.

Ow well, to bed!


Blogger Rgscarter said...

I think there is something inherently wrong with green beer....Just. Plain. Wrong. Although the addition of some food colouring to my Grasshopper last night didn't deter me for long.

Glad to hear that y'all had a good time. Here in Kingston Laura and I went to a small resturant/bar with her friend Tara who is down for a couple of days. Laura & Tara punked out early and went home; I then went to the Tir Nan Og, the Irish pub in Kingston, where I met up with friends, got well over the daily recommended dose of Vitamin G and had a pretty awesome time. There was a band there called the Crofters(from near Cornwall, Ont.) who were playing all day - a 14 hour set. They took breaks, of course, but at the time I left, a little after midnight, they were still rockin' it hard and still had tons of energy. That is my kind of band.

March 18, 2005 10:24 AM

Blogger selsine said...

Sounds like you had a pretty good time on St. Paddies day in Kingston, yerself. A 14 hour set is pretty kick ass, I will have to check them out, at least for their decication.

Speaking of kingston did I tell you that in the book I read for the book club (Elizabeth and After) on of the characters talks about going to Chez Piggy in Kingston? I mean it was a Canadian novel set in Ontario, but still.

March 19, 2005 12:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jon did't know you are reading this too :0. Greets

March 31, 2005 3:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the seattle apartment for rent

July 26, 2005 2:43 AM


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