In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Aprith 26th 2:30pm

In a beer garden North (just) of the Spanish embassy in Berlin. Saw the Berling wall earlier today, very neat.

Berlin Wall

Just got out of the Reichstag, which was quite cool. It took a long time to get in, 1.5 hours. There was a German-Australian in front of us. Born here in Germany, but has lived in Australia for 24 years. Nice man, visiting with his relatives from Stuttgart. He lives 20 minutes from the back and 1.5 hours from the mountains where he can sky, which I think is pretty cool. He told me that Canadians and Australians are very similar.

The Reichstag

Bought two coffees out in front of the Brandenburg gate, felt a bit weird because it was a Starbucks but it was the only one (coffee shop) that I could find.

In Germany they demonstrate numbers with their fingers and thumbs. So I do a two (zwie) with my two fingers (index and middle) and then the woman behind the coulter does the same thing but with the index finger and the thumb. Slightly confusing.

Brandenburg gate

Almost finished my biere and breadzel, eating and drinking slowly while I finish this entry.

I'm the beer in the middle

Washroom = WC here (water closet)

Public pissoir in the middle of Berlin (Not shown: my feet)

Not-so pensive in Berlin

Editors note: Moments later my brother and I got into a large fight. Things were resolved and the trip continued.


Blogger Rgscarter said...

Was that you got into a fight with your brother or that you and your brother got into a fight with some random berliners (heh, doughnuts) - 'cause if the Marvelous Mrusseses were involved in some tag-team action with the flying elbows and piledrivers and such that would be pretty cool.

In fact, on your next European adventure, I think it will be mandatory that you and your brother get some matching spandex costumes, complete with masks, and sporadically pick fights with people sort of like in Fight Club - preferably skeezy Euro-trash types with bad goatees. That would be pretty damn awesome. Much more awesome than watching siblings get into a tiff.

Keep the updates coming. It is cool to read/see about your trip.
PS I have a post from my NY adventure, which went really well, but the computer I am using here doesn't have an A: drive, so I will have to wait until I get home to post it. r

May 25, 2005 6:17 PM

Blogger selsine said...

Hey Ho Rodareen-o

Sadly the fight was between my brother and I, and not some random Europeans.

I'm glad that you are enjoying the blogging of my European vacation, it was the whole reason that I kept a journal of the trip. I think it's cool that you can just insert photos and stuff in the middle so that everyone can see what is going on.

I'm looking forward to hearing about yer NY adventure, as well as the state of yer fancy game gear...

May 26, 2005 9:33 AM


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