In the midst of life we are in death etc.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday Evening

So, I'm sitting here on a Tuesday evening, just got home from grocery shopping, not much fun, ow no, not much fun at all.

Did a big shop since shopping isn't that much fun, ow no, not much fun at all.

I think I'm going to have a beer in a few moments and then play some vieo games. Worked out today, that was fun.

What else is rawking in the T.Dot, well got tickets to see the Weakerthans play, that's pretty cool. Just finished reading Sping Snow, pretty good book. I'm reading Paris to the Moon right now, seems pretty good.

Trying to find some songs for the old social but not much luck. One song that we might do is "Sweet Thing" by Van Morisson, great song but we worry that it may be too fast. The other song that we are considering is "Left and Leaving" by the Weakerthans, which we really like but are a but unsure of.

I told Danielle that we were going to tell the DJ that he could not play "Brown Eye Girl" or "Home for a Rest" at all during the social, but she said not to since people like those songs. Which was, of course, my point. Too bad!

Please, don't forget to rawk.


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